CSS: min-width and min-height with Internet Explorer

Combining the underscore hack with the ability of IE to evaluate expressions in CSS, you can set the minimum/maximum width and minimum height of an HTML element using CSS:

div.content {
	background: #eee;
	/* minimum height */
	min-height: 400px;
	/* auto height for compliant browsers */
	height: auto;
	/* min-height for IE browsers */
	_height: 400px;
	/* minimum width */
	/* IE Dynamic Expression to set the width */
	width:expression(document.body.clientWidth < 300 ? "300px" : "100%" );
	/* maximum width */
	/* IE Dynamic Expression to set the width */
	width:expression(document.body.clientWidth > 600 ? "600px" : "100%" );

This makes sure that the DIV element this is applied to is at least 400px high and 300px wide and at most 600px wide. This is a combination of Imposing Minimum Width With CSS and The Underscore Hack.


Anonymous said…
Unfortunately the expression hacks will cause IE6 to crash. One can avoid this by adding an HTML comment with 4 dashes just before your DOCTYPE declaration; the only caveat being that this essentially throws IE6 into quirks mode where *nothing* works correctly. Sure, you can assign a minimum width to an element but good luck trying to center it with margin: 0px auto;.

Does anyone have a better means of going about this? I refuse to change the layout specifically for IE, and I'd hate to have to serve a tables-based version to IE users..

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