ipconfig /all

If you run ipconfig /all in the command prompt in Windows it shows detailed info about your network adaptors. You may want to then print that information off. However it is in a command prompt window (where copying and pasting isn't exactly easy). Here is a batch file that opens up notepad with the information. When you close notepad, it then deletes the ipconfig.txt file that was created.


ipconfig /all > ipconfig.txt & start /wait notepad ipconfig.txt & del ipconfig.txt

Edit (27 Nov 2005):

This can be set up as a doskey macro to replace existing command, can pass on parameters that ipconfig accepts. So if you run this in the command prompt window, then type in ipconfig /?, it will show the help in notepad.

doskey ipconfig=ipconfig $* $g ipconfig.txt $T start /wait notepad ipconfig.txt $T del ipconfig.txt

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