
Showing posts from July, 2003

SQL: Date Searching

Just some useful tips for searching on date fields (Microsoft SQL Server 2000+): You can use the LIKE operator to do a search: SELECT * FROM [tablename] WHERE [datecolumn] LIKE '%Aug%2003%' This would match everything that had August 2003 in datecolumn e.g. August 12 2003, August 18 2003 The other way is to use DATEPART as follows: SELECT * FROM [tablename] WHERE DATEPART(month,[datecolumn]) = 8 AND DATEPART(year,[datecolumn]) = 2003 The final way is to use MONTH and YEAR : SELECT * FROM [tablename] WHERE MONTH([datecolumn]) = 8 AND YEAR([datecolumn]) = 2003 N.B. If you use DATEPART , MONTH , or YEAR , the supplied value has to be numeric (8 instead of August)

Javascript: Remove Items from Array

I required some javascript for removing an item (or series of items) from an array. Thankfully, I found out how to do it from this thread in Google Groups. e.g. (paste into HTML document): <script language="javascript"> // this is the original array var theArray = [17,2,5,675]; // these are the items I wish to remove from the array var toRemove = [17,2]; // it can be done with one item only as well // var toRemove = 5; // adding it as a prototype object enables it to be used from any array Array.prototype.removeItems = function(itemsToRemove) { if (!/Array/.test(itemsToRemove.constructor)) { itemsToRemove = [ itemsToRemove ]; } var j; for (var i = 0; i < itemsToRemove.length; i++) { j = 0; while (j < this.length) { if (this[j] == itemsToRemove[i]) { this.splice(j, 1); } else { j++; } } } } theArray.removeItems(toRemove); alert(theArray); ...

First Weblog - Toolbars

This weblog was set up using Google Toolbar BETA 2.0 . Best feature of this is probably the popup blocker (no need for installing standalone software for doing the same thing, IE 5.5 and up only). Some other useful toolbars: The Toolbar is also very good - online dictionary and thesaurus search. DevelopersDex Toolbar for developers in ASP , C# , SQL , VB and XML . Lots of examples, articles and tutorials are available in the DevelopersDex Site as well as the possibility to post to USENET (Newsgroups). The toolbars for Internet Explorer only