
Showing posts from November, 2003

List Cookies

List cookies that have been set for a web site: // split up cookie into array (; is deliminator) thisCookie = document.cookie.split('; '); // loop through array if(thisCookie.length > 0){ // open list document.write('<ul>'); for(i=0;i<thisCookie.length;i++){ // cookie name document.write('<li><strong>Cookie Name:<\/strong> ' + thisCookie[i].split('=')[0]); // cookie value document.write(', <strong>Value:<\/strong> ' + unescape(thisCookie[i].split('=')[1]) + '<\/li>'); } // close list document.write('<\/ul>'); } Use for seeing what cookies your site has set.

Favelet: Highlight A Tags

A favelet for highlighting anchor tags: Highlight A . How to use favelets (from Accessify also have quite a few useful ones.

Multiple versions of Internet Explorer

There is a way of running several versions of Internet Explorer on one PC without resorting to dual booting. Details at Insert Title Web Designs . It looks like you can finally run IE5 on Windows XP for testing your HTML/CSS code. The method is very simple and it illustrates the fact that Internet Explorer is not completely integrated into Windows. There is a set of zipped files available. I wonder why developers were never told about this ? Update - Jan 9 2004: Downloads now available at: Skyzyx downloads - Internet Explorer versions 3, 4, 5 and 5.5 available