
Showing posts from November, 2008

jQuery 1.2.6 Text Clips for Programmer's Notepad 2

jQuery 1.2.6 Text Clips for Programmer's Notepad 2 are available along with my other text clips. If they don't show when you start PN2, close it and delete installClipCache.xml that is stored within the %APPDATA%\Echo Software\PN2\ directory. Programmer's Notepad 2 is an open source application that supports syntax highlighting of many file types, project support (using its own project file type), autocompletion, text clips (snippets), automatic indenting among other features . It loads quickly (startup is faster than IDE's like Visual Studio, Eclipse and Komodo have), so is a good lightweight IDE that is also portable (save it on your portable hard drive / memory stick and run on many different PC's).

GIMP Repeating Guidelines

Update (18 Nov): bug fix - guides go up to both edges, if width/height is a multiple of the separation distance. max was set to height (if vertical guide) when it should have been width and vice versa for vertical. The GIMP photo/image manipulation program allows you to add guides as an aid to image editing. It is fairly simple to add them - Image > Guides > New Guide or click on one of the rulers and drag onto the canvas. However, this can be time consuming if you need to add multiple guides, equally spaced. Script-Fu however, allows you to do this via scripting. First of all, create a scm file (e.g. guides-repeat.scm ) in your script folder (on Windows this would be C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts (all users) or %USERPROFILE%\.gimp-2.6\scripts , then paste in the following code (use a plain text editor like Notepad) (define (script-fu-guide-repeat image drawable direction ...

Searching Indexing Service (ASP.NET C#)

Windows has an Indexing Service that can be used to index files on the server it is hosted on. Here is a simple way to query any catalogues (in this example, one called Data ) you create and display the results in a repeater. First of all, create a new page (in Visual Studio or Web Developer 2005), e.g. search.aspx . Create the search box and repeater within a form runat="server" : <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="Search" /> <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Search" OnClick="SearchDocuments" /> <asp:Repeater ID="ResultsRepeater" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <table> <thead> <tr> <th> Filename </th> <th> Size </th> <th> Title </th> <th> Path </th> ...