JavaScript: Open Image Links in Popup
The following script makes all links to images open in a popup window. No inline JavaScript required. Modern browser required (i.e. IE5+, NS 6+, Mozilla Firefox). Save into scripts directory and include on page by adding into page <head>
<html> <head> <title>Popup Image Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/imagepop.js"></script> </head> <body> <p><a href="images/foo.gif" title="Foo Title" width="120" height="300">Foo</a> | <a href="images/bar.jpg" width="140" height="280">Bar</a> | <a href="page.html">Baz</a></p> </body> </html>
function imagepop(url,title) { // new window title var contents = '<html><head><title>' + ((title)?title:'Image Popup') + '<\/title>'; // resize window once image has loaded contents += '<script type="text\/javascript">window.onload = resize;'; contents += 'function resize() {'; contents += 'w=document.images[0].width+25;'; contents += 'h=document.images[0].height+25;'; contents += 'window.resizeTo(w,h);'; // centre the popup window contents += 'window.moveTo((screen.width-w)/2,(screen.height-h)/2)}'; contents += '<\/script>'; // remove padding and margin using css contents += '<style type="text\/css">body{margin:0;padding:0;text-align:center}img{display:block;margin:auto}<\/style>'; // add image to page contents += '<\/head><body><img src="' + url + '">'; contents += '<\/body><\/html>'; // open popup window imgpop ='about:blank','imgpop','location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no');; imgpop.document.write(contents); imgpop.document.close(); return false; } function checklinks() { if(document.getElementsByTagName) { // list of image types that are recognised as images types = new Array('.jpg','jpeg','.gif','.png','.bmp'); // get anchor links a = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); // loop through list of anchors for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { // loop through image types for (var j=0;j<types.length;j++) { /* make sure it links to an image by checking where the extension appears in the string Example 1 (image): http://localhost/image.jpg length of href string is 26, index of .jpg is 22 so 26 - 22 = 4 (same length as '.jpg') so linking to an image Example 2 (not image): http://localhost/image.jpg/folder/ length of href string is 34, index of .jpg is 22 so 34 - 22 = 12 (not the same length as '.jpg') so leave alone */ if ((a[i].href.length - a[i].href.indexOf(types[j])) == types[j].length){ // attach onclick event to call the function to open a popup window a[i].onclick = function () { // pass on href link and title return imagepop(this.href,this.title); } } } } } } window.onload = checklinks;