Strip Tags (VBScript)

The following function strips tags from the supplied input string. Set 'tags' argument to blank string - "" - to strip all tags. Use:

' remove spans
input = StripTags(input,"span")
' remove b and u
input = StripTags(input,"b|u")
' remove all tags
input = StripTags(input,"")
Function StripTags(input,tags)
 ' set 'tags' to empty string to strip all tags
 If tags = "" Then tags = "[a-zA-Z]+"
 Dim regEx : Set regEx = New RegExp
 regEx.IgnoreCase = True
 regEx.Global = True
 ' tag to remove (based on
 regEx.Pattern = "</?("+tags+")(\s+\w+=(\w+|""[^""]*""|'[^']*'))*\s*?/?>"
 StripTags = regEx.Replace(input, "")
End Function

Edit (19 May 2005): Fix to regular expression to match multiple spaces before > , i.e. <p  >

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