Select dropdown options using jQuery

Finally an update to my Select box manipulation collection of plugins for jQuery. You can select options that match a given string or regular expression. The original code for this particular plugin was created by Mathias Bank, with a modification by me to use a regular expression as a parameter as well as a string. He wrote it over a month ago, but I have only just got round to implementing it.


Anonymous said…
I was greatfully using your jquery-select extension in a web appication. However, I found an issue in Safari (2.0) which causes addOption to fail. The code at fault is:


Changing it to:

this.options[this.length] = option;

works in Safari as well. Hope this helps!

Sam said…
Have updated the plugin, so it should hopefully work in Safari 2.0.

This plugin is quit usefull. Thank you for it.
I needed to sort options after retrieving them via ajax. So i added an option to the ajaxAddOption function to call a function after completion.

Here is my change:

* Add options via ajax
* @name     ajaxAddOption
* @author   Sam Collett ( )
* @type     jQuery
* @param    String url   Page to get options from ( must be valid JSON )
* @param    Object params    ( optional ) Any parameters to send with the request
* @param    Boolean select    ( optional ) Select the added options, default true
* @param    Function fn        ( optional ) call this function with the select object as param after completion
* @example  $ ( "#myselect" ) .ajaxAddOption ( "myoptions.php" ) ;
$.fn.ajaxAddOption = function ( url, params, select, fn )
    if ( typeof url != "string" ) return this;
    if ( typeof params != "object" ) params = { } ;
    if ( typeof select != "boolean" ) select = true;
    this.each (
        function ( )
            var self = this;
            $.getJSON ( url,
                function ( r )
                    $ ( self ) .addOption ( r, select ) ;
                    if ( typeof fn == "function" ) ( self ) ;
             ) ;
    return this;
Another addition, parameters for the function.

* Add options via ajax
* @name     ajaxAddOption
* @author   Sam Collett ( )
* @type     jQuery
* @param    String url   Page to get options from ( must be valid JSON )
* @param    Object params    ( optional ) Any parameters to send with the request
* @param    Boolean select    ( optional ) Select the added options, default true
* @param    Function fn        ( optional ) call this function with the select object as param after completion
* @param    Array args          ( optional ) array with params to pass to the function afterwards
* @example  $ ( "#myselect" ) .ajaxAddOption ( "myoptions.php" ) ;
$.fn.ajaxAddOption = function ( url, params, select, fn, args )
    if ( typeof url != "string" ) return this;
    if ( typeof params != "object" ) params = { } ;
    if ( typeof select != "boolean" ) select = true;
    this.each (
        function ( )
            var self = this;
            $.getJSON ( url,
                function ( r )
                    $ ( self ) .addOption ( r, select ) ;
                    if ( typeof fn == "function" ) {
                        alert ( typeof args ) ;
                        if ( typeof args == "object" ) {
                            fn.apply ( self, args ) ;
                         } else {
                   ( self ) ;
             ) ;
    return this;

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