Registry-less Programmer's Notepad 2
Programmer's Notepad 2 can be made to run without using the registry (i.e. make it portable, so you can use it on a removable hard drive / pen drive), but only with a development build. All it needs is a config.xml in its directory containing the following: <config> <userSettings path="settings" /> <storeType value="Xml" /> </config> Alternatively, this batch file can be used to create the file and copy over your settings. Create a batch file e.g. pn2local.cmd and paste in the following code: @echo off if exist config.xml goto copysettings echo ^<config^> > config.xml echo ^<userSettings path="settings" ^/^> >> config.xml echo ^<storeType value="Xml" ^/^> >> config.xml echo ^<^/config^> >> config.xml :copysettings md settings xcopy "%AppData%\Echo Software\PN2\*.*" settings\ /D /Q