There is a way of getting the jQuery version, but it is not through using jQuery.version as you may expect. alert("jQuery version is: " + jQuery().jquery); Here is a basic function that can be used to grab more valuable information from this. function jQueryVersion() { var ver = (new jQuery()).jquery; // if there are two .'s it is a bug fix release if(ver.match(/\./g).length == 2) { return { "version" : ver, "major" : ver.substr(0, ver.indexOf(".")), "minor" : ver.substr(ver.indexOf(".") + 1, ver.lastIndexOf(".") - ver.indexOf(".") - 1), "revision" : ver.substr(ver.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) } } // otherwise it is an initial release else { return { "version" : ver, "major" : ver.substr(0, ver.indexOf(".")), "minor" : ver.substr(ver.indexOf(".") + 1), "revision" : 0 } } } This could b...